
  • Rethinking the App Startup Metric

    The granddaddy of Android performance metrics is probably application cold start. Setting aside the complications of how to precisely measure it (PY breaks it down really well in this post), lets think about what it represents. Beginning with a user-triggered action, the app process is created by the OS by forking the zygote, leading to…

    Read more: Rethinking the App Startup Metric
  • On Sustainability

    Watford FC has enjoyed several years of Premier League success followed by several years of what can generously be described as mediocrity. This last period of non-success (promotion notwithstanding) have not only been taxing on fans, but on the bank account of the club too. Every year we were not in the Premier League, we…

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  • On Vanity Metrics Like Crash-Free Session Rate

    App metrics, especially performance metrics, are only useful if they are predictive or actionable. By predictive, I mean you can, with varying degrees of certainty, assume changes to other metrics or outcomes if that metric were to change, for better or for worse. If P95 changes for request latency changes for some end point, does…

    Read more: On Vanity Metrics Like Crash-Free Session Rate
  • Decoding Gino, 1/?

    Gino Pozzo has been in charge of Watford FC for over a decade. Success came relatively early, culminating in the FA Cup final in 2019, but the last few years have been lean to say the least. His methods have always been curious and foreign to the fanbase, but when it worked on the pitch,…

    Read more: Decoding Gino, 1/?
  • Profit vs quality

    Software engineering is all about trade offs. Almost anything within the laws of physics and computers is possible if you pay for it. The currency is not only in dollars or engineer-days, but also in degraded performance in other aspects of the system. Cap theorem, etc. You also pay for it in increased complexity and…

    Read more: Profit vs quality